A day of rest. Did you hear that? God made a day of rest for us. Now, the question is....who takes one? Do you?
I've been trying really hard to read through the bible Chronologically within 4 months. Yikes! That's a lot of reading. But I have to tell you, what a FANTASTIC way to ingest God's Word! I'm getting major chunks of reading daily and although I'm not taking the time to study it, I'm getting the broad picture of what happened back in the days of our Biblical hero's!
One section I was reading was about how God provided for his people when they were freed from slavery in Egypt. Of course along the way, they got hungry and pleaded for God to feed them. So he did. He sent Manna from the heavens. A food that they had never seen/eaten before and one that never has been since.
He gave them specific instructions about how to go about the manna. Get up each day, for six days, and go out, gather enough manna for your household, prepare and eat! Don't save any for the next day or it will be moldy and yucky, BUT on the sixth day - you can! Gather enough for that day and the next for it is your Sabbath, Holy day, and you are to focus on the Lord.
I have been thinking of this from a mom's point of view lately. What mom can take a day of rest when there's kids to feed? I mean, yes, I could tell my 2 year old to go get her own food, but let's be honest, it'd be a sleeve of oreos and maybe unpeeled carrot. Yuck!
What if on "the sixth day" we prepared ahead of time a mid afternoon meal for our day of rest, so all you had to do was pop it into the oven and eat?! Talk about easy!
Quiche made the day before and reheated. Bake a chicken or turkey and reheat it for slupper. Lasagna,
turkey dinner casserole (just layer whatever you have leftover!),
pulled pork & coleslaw. There's tons of options! Maybe we'll have a little leftover Manna for Slupper?
Here's what I propose: Feed the kids breakfast. I'm not talking pancakes and bacon either! Something simple, yet filling. Fruit and cereal? A yogurt smoothie with
homemade yogurt? How about a loaded muffin that you've already made?
After church, we usually take a little drive, listen to our church's "second service" and sip iced tea for the kids and coffee for mom while dad is rockin' the guitar at church for the second service. We might even take a snack with us and really, we aren't all that hungry right at noon, so waiting for 2:00-ish isn't that big of a deal.
Heat up our slupper and Bada-Bing! Everyone's fed and it took no time at all.
Have a little yogurt and fruit for an evening snack and all is well.
Just offering one way to "rest" on your day of rest!
Blessings to you all.