- What is going to make the mornings go smoother than last year?
- School Lunches
- Quick, Healthy Breakfast Ideas
- What can I do now to anticipate the craziness of pre-suppertime when children turn into 4 eyed food vacuums, frothing from the mouth looking for their next crumb to devour. (Food Prep)
- When and where will homework happen?
- Chores?
- How much TV time is acceptable?
- Preparation for the next morning?
- How much of this is my job and how much of it should be the personal responsibility of the child - something to start teaching now if it hasn't happened yet.
Smooth Mornings.
Is that possible? I'd say it can be, but it really does start with the parent(s). We as parents HAVE to get up early enough to get ourselves ready first and then help get the bambinos out the door.
Start figuring out how much time you need to get ready. For me, if I shower at night, I can get ready in 15mins. But if I get a shower in the morning, (ideal) I need a good 45 mins to 1 hour.
Then there is time with God (always a great start to any day). How much time I need depends on what I plan on doing but let's say I would probably need 15-30 mins. each morning to start the day out right. I can always add more later too, I just need to get on the right page first thing.
So I need to get up at least 1 hour before my family needs to start getting ready.
An evening routine would be ideal for a good start on the morning. Like having clothes already picked out, ironed if needed. Backpacks all packed except for lunchbags. Homework books all signed, not to mention homework done! My kids all get baths/showers the night before. I just can not add that to the morning...there's too many of us. We'd all have to get up by 4am just to make it to school on time. :) All the kids would have to do is get up, make their beds, get dressed, deal with the teeth, face and hair, eat, grab and go! (Sounds smooth and easy doesn't it?! We'll see.)
This year, I would like to try to fit in morning devotionals with the family. We usually read the bible and pray together before bed, but seeing that connecting with God in the morning is a great, fresh start to the day, I figure the kids should get to do this too. So, maybe when I get them breakfast, we can do a quick morning devo together.
School lunches are a subject all on their own, however, in thinking about lunches I decided part of a smooth morning is good prep for lunches the night before. I just bought some new plastic storage containers knowing I am going to need them for certain things I will send with my kids to school. I even took a moment and labeled them with my name in hopes that if a container goes MIA they'll have at least a name to associate it with.
Well there you have it. My thoughts on what the ideal morning should look like. Can't say that everyday will be a smooth one, but one can sure try planning ahead!