Monday, January 20, 2014

Sometimes we need a different lens

The other day I was driving my kids home from a birthday party when I was struck by the beautiful sunset.  Orange, red, yellow, all surrounded by blue sky and a V shape of clouds pointing. 

I've been counting each gift from God I see, and this was definitely one to note.  Beautiful sunset pointing "this is the way".

I happened to have my camera with me but the beautiful sunset was cluttered by buildings, poles and wires, so I changed direction and went to a hill to try to capture it.  By the time we got to where I thought would be a great view, the sunset had changed.  It was hazy now, and greying fast.  I took the picture anyway knowing that it was a gift from God, I had noted it after all, so I was going to enjoy it anyway. 

I raised the camera, rested it on my cheek, my eyes focused as the lens extended my sight.  The canvas was amazing. Brilliant. Heart warming.  Reds, oranges, gold's.....a full color gift from God.  Who else can paint such a breathtaking picture?  Who else can take the greying of the world and make it vibrant and lovely?  Who else can give such heart warming gifts such as personalized painting just for me, yet anyone who looks up can enjoy it as well?  That's my God who can.  He can take the ordinary and make it extraordinary if we are willing to look. 

Life is hard, sometimes.  Sometimes uncertain.  Sometimes dull.  Sometimes it needs a different lens.  Not one you or I can produce, but one he can.  And if we will only look up with that lens'll see a gift - one straight from God.   Count your blessings.  You'll be amazed of what He's given! 

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