Man, I don't know why I've had such bad luck lately with computers but I have. My Toshiba laptop has bit the dust a second time in only 11 months. I can't say that this makes me happy. It is covered by warranty, but I can't say that I was satisfied with their customer service and the $25.00 they make you pay to send it to them. That would be $50 more that I'm out of pocket because their product keeps failing. Not good. I have to say, when I am not connected to the Internet, my life unwired, I feel disconnected and out of touch. I want to share with you what's going on in Camp Chaos and encourage you in your endeavors, but with no computer, no connect-y!
So, wondering why I'm online now? Remember that big ol dinosaur of a computer I had to "declutter" a couple of weeks ago? I have resurrected it! I stashed it in the attic of the garage because I didn't know how to get rid of it (can you just throw these things in the trash?) and the last time I thew away a computer in our weekly trash someone picked it and told me about all the pictures on it that I didn't remove. (of my kids and life....scary!)
The computer is slow, unreliable and uncomfortable to use as I perch it on top of a table and sit erect at a non-desk, but I'm online, so I shouldn't complain.
My laptop should be back to me in a week or so, so hang in there, I'll be back at it full force soon enough. I'm sure I'll have lots to share!
Blessings to you all.
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