The trick is on me, if today were only Halloween.
I decided to be a handy sort of woman today and changed the headlight in my van myself along with checking the oil and tranny levels and filling my window washer fluid. (insert pat on the back here)
When I came inside, I was frozen, so I went to get my first cup of joe when I saw my son's lunchbag still on the counter. woops. So, I ran that down to his class.
On my second attempt to have a hot cup of joe, I realized we were out of creamer. I had a tiny bit of milk left that made it manageable.
My costume attempt - if today were Halloween.....
Because I was so chilly, I decided to test my fire-building skills in the furnace. We've had our furnace apart and worked on so as far as cold days, there haven't been that many to have to use it yet....but when I did.......
I started with my usual - a crumpled piece of paper and the good ol stand-by - empty Capris sun box. I whacked off a few small pieces of wood with my trusty machete and proceeded my pyro-fun.
The paper lit right up, the box as well and my sticks were right where they should be. I continued to add larger pieces of kindling and then my big pieces. I shut the door and walked away.
As I started to pick up the kitchen, smoke started billowing out of my register! WHAAAA? I ran downstairs to see what the problem was and my fire was stone cold out and a waft of dirty brown smoke filled my face and hair...clothes etc with a fresh ember stink. Lucky me.
I was all done playing games. I grabbed the torch, lit that baby up and with a witch like cackle, (ok, maybe not) began frying me up some naughty wood.
If you pass me in the hallways at school or at Walmart today....don't make fun.
I thought today was Halloween.
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