Most nights we read the bible to our children using the Family Reading Bible. It guides us each night through the word and then gives us a couple of questions based on the reading and a couple for thought.
Last night the boys were anxiously applying the stall tactic - "mom, can you read the bible to us?" so I decided that I would give them a pop quiz on some of the major stories most of us know.
Me: Ok, boys, who had a coat of many colors?
Boys: silence....more silence....."don't know"
Me: Joseph! Remember, his dad gave him a coat of may colors? Ok, next question. Who sold
Boy 1: His Brothers!
Me: Great! Who did God tell to build an ark?
Boy 2: Joseph!
Boy 1: silence
Me: No, it was Noah! Who parted the Red Sea?
Boy 2: GOD!
Me: got me on a technicality. Who's rod did God use to part the Red Sea?
Boy 2: Joseph!
Boy 1: Haman!
Me: nope, it was Moses.
Boy 1: It's so sad, mom, that his mom had to let him float in a river. (random?)
Enter Big sister
Me: Who had the coat of many colors?
Big Sis: Joseph!
Me: Who sold Joseph?
Big Sis: His brothers
Me: Who parted the Red Sea?
Big Sis: Moses!
Me: Who built the ark?
Big Sis: Noah!
Okie Dokie...I think we need to pray!
Some nights go a little smoother than
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