Thursday, October 25, 2012

Hey You! Yah, you! Wanna Party For Jesus?

It's Party Time!!!
My heart rate is going through the roof, I can hardly stand the excitement of sharing this with you.  Shoeboxes.  Who would have thought that filling a shoebox would bring us just as much joy as those we pack them for!
BLAWICKQLCJJPQJKFHBNDKWPFUVND.  BLAAAAAA!   I have so many thoughts running through my head I'm having a hard time getting it down here!
First things first.  What shoeboxes? 
    Operation Christmas Child, a ministry of Samaritans Purse, is a wonderful way to be the hands and feet of Jesus to oppressed and needy children. 
So many kids, so many needs and we get to be part of God's love around the world just in time for Jesus Birthday!  In Luke 10:30-37 Jesus tells about a good Samaritan who helped a man that was attacked by robbers and left for dead.  He didn't know him, didn't owe him anything, he was just helping in a time of need.  He gives us a clear picture of God's desire for us to help those in need wherever we find them.  Jesus said at the end of his story to “Go and do likewise.”   
Ok, here's the deal.  I want to have a shoebox packing party on Saturday, November 10th.  I'm thinking 6:30pm sounds like a great time to start.  YOU are invited!  If you'd like to help pack shoeboxes for needy kids all over the world, please come! 
I have tons of shoeboxes (ordered them from OCC website!), so we don't need those, just the fillers to go in them!  All you need to do is drop me an email and let me know you're coming and I'll send you a list of items still needed for the packing party.  You can then pick item(s) that you would be willing to bring several of and together we will fill boxes!  They do need to have a $7 donation to ship the box as well, so if you could help out with at least 1 shipping fee, that would be STUPENDOUS! (Last year we made our donation online and just before Christmas OCC sent us an email telling us what country our package was delivered to!  We opened that email Christmas morning.....loved it!)  
The more people we can get involved the more fun it will be and the more boxes we can pack and send.  
 I can not wait!  What a great way to wish Jesus a Happy Birthday!!!!!!
We had a blast!  We were able to fill 33 boxes for these kids this night.  Combined with our church's afterschool program, we filled 56 boxes!!!  YAY!!  Thank  you for all who helped out. 

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

If today were Halloween

The trick is on me, if today were only Halloween.

I decided to be a handy sort of woman today and changed the headlight in my van myself along with checking the oil and tranny levels and filling my window washer fluid. (insert pat on the back here)

When I came inside, I was frozen, so I went to get my first cup of joe when I saw my son's lunchbag still on the counter.  woops.  So, I ran that down to his class. 

On my second attempt to have a hot cup of joe, I realized we were out of creamer.  I had a tiny bit of milk left that made it manageable. 

My costume attempt - if today were Halloween.....

Because I was so chilly, I decided to test my fire-building skills in the furnace.  We've had our furnace apart and worked on so as far as cold days, there haven't been that many to have to use it yet....but when I did.......

I started with my usual - a crumpled piece of paper and the good ol stand-by - empty Capris sun box.  I whacked off a few small pieces of wood with my trusty machete and proceeded my pyro-fun. 

The paper lit right up, the box as well and my sticks were right where they should be.  I continued to add larger pieces of kindling and then my big pieces.  I shut the door and walked away. 

As I started to pick up the kitchen, smoke started billowing out of my register!  WHAAAA?  I ran downstairs to see what the problem was and my fire was stone cold out and a waft of dirty brown smoke filled my face and hair...clothes etc with a fresh ember stink.  Lucky me. 

I was all done playing games.  I grabbed the torch, lit that baby up and with a witch like cackle, (ok, maybe not) began frying me up some naughty wood. 

If you pass me in the hallways at school or at Walmart today....don't make fun. 

I thought today was Halloween. 

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Pop Quiz

Most nights we read the bible to our children using the Family Reading Bible.  It guides us each night through the word and then gives us a couple of questions based on the reading and a couple for thought. 

Last night the boys were anxiously applying the stall tactic - "mom, can you read the bible to us?"  so I decided that I would give them a pop quiz on some of the major stories most of us know. 

Me:  Ok, boys, who had a coat of many colors?
Boys:  silence....more silence....."don't know"
Me:  Joseph!  Remember, his dad gave him a coat of may colors?  Ok, next question.  Who sold     
Boy 1:  His Brothers!
Me:  Great!  Who did God tell to build an ark?
Boy 2:  Joseph! 
Boy 1:  silence
Me:  No, it was Noah! Who parted the Red Sea? 
Boy 2: GOD!
Me: got me on a technicality.  Who's rod did God use to part the Red Sea? 
Boy 2:  Joseph!
Boy 1:  Haman!
Me:  nope, it was Moses.
Boy 1:  It's so sad, mom, that his mom had to let him float in a river.  (random?)

Enter Big sister

Me:  Who had the coat of many colors?
Big Sis:  Joseph!
Me:  Who sold Joseph?
Big Sis:  His brothers
Me:  Who parted the Red Sea?
Big Sis:  Moses!
Me:  Who built the ark?
Big Sis:  Noah!


Okie Dokie...I think we need to pray!  

Some nights go a little smoother than 

Monday, October 1, 2012

Supermans effects still wreaking havoc....

Remember when my superhero flung himself on my windshield  few months back?  click here for the full memory.   We did have them fixed....(it only took a new transmission for the wipers, haha), however, I think I'm still experiencing residual effects.   What do you think?