Monday, June 11, 2012

Ahhhh! My home is swallowing me up!

Tell me you feel this way at times.  You look around and the question arises - did I do anything last week in this house?  You know you did, but the house can not prove it.  I'm going to spend some time organizing and cleaning my home and I hope you'll join me by working on yours! 

I figure the greatest reason why we have clutter is that we have too much stuff.  We are a stuff oriented society.  My motto has been if I don't use it in a year, it's going to a better home.  If it is used that seldom, ask someone else to borrow theirs!  They won't mind and you can invite them to do the same with you!

Stuff clutters our hearts, our heads and our homes.  It's gotta go.  Keep what you need.  Bless someone else with your overflow.  My last post about clutter touches on this too.  Check it out here.

I'd like to use a cute catchy phrase like 31 days to being organized but I don't know if I can be organized in only 31 days. HA! 

So, let's call this series "The Great Home Rescue. Get Organized Now."  We'll attack the house one room at a time.   If you have any suggestions about what works for you or extra areas I'm not touching on, please feel free to leave a comment so we can all learn from you or figure out a plan for your dilemma!  

So go get 3 boxes, laundry baskets or bags ready - give away, put away and throw away.  We're on a mission and we need the proper tools for the job! 

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