Flylady says "Housework done incorrectly will still bless your family." So if a tidy, clean home is your aim, no worries, even if it's done incorrectly - not up to your momma's standards - every effort helps. Keep on trucking!
I love what Dave Ramsey says in Financial Peace University: "Do little things all in the right direction, long enough, and eventually you'll get there."
Start here today:
- Make a list of what you would like to and have to accomplish this week.
- Where to start? Which task takes the least amount of time? Start there.
- Multitask. Start a load of laundry. Move to another task. When the laundry is done washing, that is your timer to stop what you are doing and go switch over the laundry. Put in another load and start it. If you have dried clothes, fold them right then. Once your clothes are folded, either go and put them away (this is where I falter) or start another task or finish the one you were working on.
- When working on a task, pick the entrance of the room and work clockwise or counterclockwise, whichever is more natural for you. I tend to work counter-clockwise.
- Pick a time to be finished for the day. Don't work from 7am to 10pm and expect to want to do it again tomorrow. Pick a few minutes or hours to work on this stuff, depending on if you work outside of the home during the day or not. Look at your list of "want to accomplish" and pick only 2 or 3 things to work on today. It doesn't mean you have to finish those things in completion today, but at least you have a start.
- Stop reading this blog and go do it. :) Can't wait to hear what you accomplished!
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