Friday, March 30, 2012

Me Prideful? Nah.

I think it's hilarious that I am so exciting about recognizing that I'm prideful. I know I am not supposed to look down my nose at anyone else. I know that I am not to brag about me or my stuff. I know that I am to never look at myself as better than someone else - you never know what road someone has traveled to make them who they've become. And I try not to. It wasn't that part of pride that I found so sneaky.

Check out what Francis Chan in Crazy Love: Overwhelmed by a Relentless God says about Stress and Worry.

"But then there's that perplexing command: 'Regoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice!' (Phil. 4:4) You'll notice it doesn't end with '...unless you're doing something extremely important.' No, it's a command for all of us, and it follows with the charge, 'Do not be anxious about anything' (vs.6). When I am consumed by my problems - stressed about my life, my family, and my job - I actually convey the belief that I think the circumstances are more important than God's command to always rejoice. In other words, that I have a 'right' to disobey God because of the magnitude of my responsibilities."

**insert kick in the teeth here** lol

He goes on to say "Worry implies that we don't quite trust that God is big enough, powerful enough, or loving enough to take care of what's happening in our lives. Stress says that the things we are involved in are important enough to merit our impatience, or lack of grace toward others, or our tight grip of control. Basically these two behaviours communicate that it's OK to sin and not trust God because the stuff in my life is somehow exceptional. Both worry and stress reek of arrogance."

Well there. And I thought I was starting to like the guy. :)

I struggle with lots of insecurities.  It always shocks people who know me when they find out what stresses me out. I guess I hide it well.  Crowds - doesn't even have to be crowds of unknown people - they could all be close friends of mine and I'd still worry about who I'd hang out with.  I sing some.  It never fails, just before I start to sing, my knees knock, my lips quiver, my voice sometimes goes nuts....(which then creates embarassment, which makes my face red).  I'm a drama queen.  Doesn't mean I'm good at it, but I like to act.  Well, let's define "like". The ability to drive a point home through dramatic display is what I like.  What I don't like is the nausea before I enter on stage, or my shaking hands while I hold a microphone, nor do I enjoy when my brain betrays me and I forget lines, adlib and say something atrotious! HA!

In all honesty, this word from Francis is just what I needed to hear. My God spoke the world into existance. He formed our intricate bodies by breathing life into it. He is the maker of billions of galaxies and thousands of tree species in the rainforest. Do I honestly think He can't handle my life, my family, my job issues? That I might somehow be able to do it better than Him?

Seeing we are here to glorify God in all we do and say, our lives should therefore point people toward Him.

A  good friend of mine passed on a little tidbit of wisdom to another wonderful friend of mine who in turn passed it on to me....."nothing to prove, nothing to lose." I am here to glorify God, not myself and not anyone else. When I give my all for Jesus, I have nothing to lose, so I shouldn't hold back.  I must give my all, He is worth EVERYTHING I am able to muster up and so much more.

Monday, March 26, 2012

I'm on an Adventure. You ready to come?

For 28 years I've been on an adventure.  I push up hills with everything I have in me, I slip down mountains quicker than I know that I've lost my footing.  Excitement, discouragement, incomprehensible joy, fear that grips my soul, all feelings I've felt while on this journey. 

I don't claim to understand it all, nor do I claim to get it always right, but I do know this - I said yes to Jesus Christ when I was only 5 years old and He has changed my life in so many ways at so many different times and he still blows my socks off!  When I can not see what is ahead of me, he does.  When I can not fathom how I will cope with a loss, he does.  When life seems to swallow me up with its details, I know my God knows better than me and I will not be shaken. 

It's been been one crazy ride, I can say that! The way he's stretching me today is what I want to share with you. 

Crazy Love: Overwhelmed by a Relentless God This is the book I've been haunting my family and friends with lately.  Ha ha.  The funny part is, I've read it before and don't remember a word of it!  All I can say is that I must not have been at a point in my life to grasp what this book is about.  Today, I'm asking God to give me wisdom to be able to fully comprehend all He wants me to learn from it and I feel like a great.big.sponge.  :) 

So many great points I don't even know how to begin sharing them all.  Francis writes "I believe He [God] wants us to love others so much that we go to extremes to help them.  I believe He wants us to be known for giving - of our time, our money, and our abilities...alleviate the suffering in the world and change the reputation of His bride in America." I love what he says next.  "We need to stop giving people excuses not to believe in God."

As someone who claims to love my Lord Jesus, I certainly can make a mess of someones view of a Christ follower!  Poor choices, selfishness, lack of thought or concern, pride...they've all tripped me up over and over again.  What I would love for you to know though, is that even though I stumble and make messes along the way, Jesus always forgives me, always helps me back up out of the mud.  I am not perfect, but Jesus is.  Therefore, may I point your eyes to the ONE who will never let you down, never fail you, never trip up on selfish sins or pride....Jesus. 

Friday, March 16, 2012

Making progress

Hey, remember the stairs my hubby tore out?  If you didn't see that post, that's OK, you can check it out here.  Well, progress has been made.  They aren't finished completely yet, but hey, we can get upstairs and downstairs now!  :)  Simple pleasures. 
 If my computer hadn't of crashed, I could show you pictures of the short-stair-death-trap we once had here. They had a leaning feature that I didn't enjoy.   I am a total klutz going up or down stairs, so I take my time and had not fallen down them, however, my hubby has Gazelle-d right down these stairs a few times.

Not anymore!

As with any old home room by room renovation, we have a long way to go before our renovations will ever be completely finished, but for now, I am SO happy with our progress. 

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Spirit Week...not so bad!

I can't say that I love spirit week at school.  (Am I aloud to admit this out loud?)  I mean, for a procrastinator like myself it proves to be quite stressful.  (do I see an upcoming remodel for this part of my life by chance?)

Day 1 was simple.  Dress in Blue for one kid and Green for the other kid.  I can handle that.  We just happened to have those colors in their wardrobes.
Day 2  Duct tape day.  Ok, tell me, who hated me enough to make this one of the themes for the week?  Do you know how many things you can make with Duct Tape?  Question # 2 - do you know how much $ Duct Tape is! Question # 3 - Did you know that Silver Duct Tape is no longer an acceptable color choice to a 9 year old when there is double your money zebra print to buy?

Well, as much as it was quite a waste of money, it didn't totally go to waste.  They did have a blast with it at school,  and decking their clothes out etc was so much fun for the kids....I loved to see their imaginations in full force, so that has to count for something, but beyond that....I made an accessory that will be useful for years to come.  
 The Z-bag.

And for those wondering if it wears well...Ha, Ha, my husband is such a great sport.  Just another reason why I love him so much.  (He thought I was just taking a picture of the Z-bag LOL!!!)

Ok, back to the the purpose of this post.  There is a point, I promise.

Day 3  (tonight's project) Costumes from a movie the class chose.  Our themes to work with:  Monsters Inc. and Peter Pan.  I love how you can Google what you're looking for and they give you a cheater page called Google Images. We picked the characters they wanted to be and it was late enough I had to send the younger 3 off to bed while my 9 year old and I dreamed up costume ideas. 

This is where things went right.  She was smiling ear to ear just spending time with mom, laughing with me at the ridiculous costumes in some of the pictures and at some of my hair brained ideas, too. 

The Point of this post...
I find these moments some of the best moments between my daughter and I.  As much as I'm thinking "it's so late, you need to go to bed" I can see by the way she is smiling and snuggling closer that this is what she qualifies as quality time and I love that. 

So, I can't say I want to make Z-bags every night, nor do I want to dream up Mike and Mr. Smee costumes in the near future, but I do want to keep finding ways to connect with my each of my children individually so we can have that time to giggle and smile from ear to ear by just being together.   

Monday, March 12, 2012

Ashamed No More

I am coming clean.  Literally.  Something I find incredibly embarrassing is.....

Well, before I just jump in and air my dirty laundry, I want you to know I am willing to put it all out there so that others may find freedom.  I know it's such an iffy subject, but someone needs to speak out against it.  You are not abnormal. You are not gross.  Your tshirt might be, but remember, you are not alone.

Yellow Armpit Stains.  There, I've said it.  :) 

Common', I know you've wondered how come your white shirts turn yellow in the armpits. So have I! You've switched deodorants wondering if that was the cause, haven't you?!  You thought "Gee, I don't dare wave at anyone....they'll think I make fresh lemonade by using my armpit as a lemon press!"
You know you thought about going without deodorant, but as quick as you thought it, you said, "never mind, I'd buy a new tshirt before someone wondered if I had danced with a skunk while eating an onion."  (OK, maybe that was a little random.....) 

 It's so frusterating isn't it!  You may have tried bleach like I have...and it didn't work.  I know I have wondered what kind of toxic brew my armpits concoct in order to create such nasty stains!  Well, wonder no more....there is a cure.  The results....MIND BLOWING!  This won't keep your pits from staining your shirts, but this will take the yellow right out of them!

Here's what I did:

Mix 1/2 C Hydrogen Peroxide with 1/4 C Dawn Dish Detergent (the blue kind is best)

I poured mine into a spray bottle and SOAKED the armpits.  You don't have to use a spray bottle if you don't want....just make sure the armpits are completely soaked with the solution.  I did add a little boost by sprinkling some Washing Soda (found in the laundry soap isle) on it and smooshing it around a bit just to "help",  but from the research I found online, this step isn't necessary.  Then you let it sit for a couple of hours before you wash it all out. 

The results?  CHECK THIS OUT......

Here is the before:

And here is the after:

My kids think I have lost it...I've got both arms in the air, waving at anyone and anything....I'M FREE!

Saturday, March 10, 2012

How To Make Your Own Miracle Whip

I'm usually one to run to the store for any little thing that I need right that minute.  There.  I said it.  I don't plan very well.   I'm trying to change that though.


 It seems to be a good cardio workout when I've got my team of champs with me, but it proves to be much more expensive than that one item I needed.  In fact, it's funny, when I walk into StuffMart, I instantly think of all kinds of "saved trips" I could make if I took the time to get this now.  I tell you, I think StuffMart has a $100 cover charge you must meet before you can checkout.  :/

Well, today was a step in the right direction.  I tried a recipe that saved me a trip AND money! 

I was making chicken salad sandwiches for my Man at lunchtime.  He likes Miracle Whip on his chicken sandwiches.  I didn't have any.  I did have Mayo though.  So, I looked up a recipe online for "How to Make Your Own Miracle Whip", tried it, and we loved it.  I wouldn't say it was exact, but it was yum, non the less.  (in my own opinion, I liked it better than plain ol' MW.  It had a garlic hue to it that I thought was MM MM good!)

Here's the Recipe:

5 Tbsp Vinegar
2 tsp Cornstarch
3 Tbsp White Sugar
1 tsp Paprika
1tsp Garlic Powder
1/4 tsp Dry Mustard
1 1/2 Cups Mayonnaise

In a saucepan, on medium heat, whisk together the vinegar and cornstarch until it thickens.  Remove from heat and add all other ingredients.  Cool and use!  It's that easy!

Friday, March 9, 2012

Sour Milk. A Stentch Worth The Fight.

There aren't many smells that are as repulsive as sour milk.  I was reminded of this just this morning when one of my handsome little men came clean about sneaking a kid sized milk jug (the "health" food store this came from will remain nameless. **insert sarcasm here**) up into his bedroom ....a week ago....and hid the unfinished container with its contents under the bed. 

I'd like to say that when it was discovered, it was immediately disposed of...however, that was not the case.  There were a couple of brave younin's that proceeded to open it, ingest some of it and...yes, spill some of it....somewhere.  But no one could tell me where. 

The funny thing about sour milk is that it's pungent smell lurks EVERYWHERE without prejudice.  Finding the source of the problem was like an out of control search and rescue mission.  I assumed the Tracking position - that is, nose to the ground, and like a Hound Dog hot on a trail, I sniffed every inch of that bedroom.  That's when I went into full Bird Dog point.  The search was over.  You could tell this was the originating area when my breath was stolen from me, my stomach began to convulse and my gag reflexes were in full force.  My brain was screaming Abort! Abort!

Ah, yes, the excitement of a stay at home mom.  If the Border Patrol only knew how refined my sniffer was....they'd be recruiting me for sure.  HA! 

The mission isn't one I EVER want to repeat, but I did learn a few valuable cleaning tips from it all.  That's really why I'm sharing this with you.  You get to learn  "How to get sour milk out of a carpet."

Here's how I did it.

Vinegar:  A frugal mom's best friend and Baking Soda = Wonder powder!

(Do you like the prop for the bed?)

I found the "area" needing attention and I mixed 1 part vinegar to 2 parts water. I sprayed till it was WET. (you want it to go through all of those fibers and penetrate what may have even leaked onto the sub floor.)
I waited 15 minutes after spraying before I came back with the backup protection - the baking soda.

(The piles on the floor aren't necessary.  I just wasn't very proficient in photography to be able to shake the soda on the floor while taking a picture.....and it not be blurry.  My camera skills are less than desirable.)

Because I made piles instead of shaking it all around on the stinky spot, I then had to spread it around with my hand BUT ** the key here** is to make sure it gets rubbed down into the fibers of the rug. 

I waited another 15 minutes to ensure the nasty stench was fully combated by my 2 multipurpose friends Vin & Soda, then vacuumed it up. 

SSSSMMMMMMMM! (deep breath) yes.  Stink free. 

Ingredients Needed:

1/2 Cup Vinegar
1Cup Water
1/2 Cup Baking Soda
Vacuum and a spray bottle

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

The Miracle Kitchen Cleaner

Or should I say How To Get Grout REAALLLLYYYY Clean

I like tile.  I like it's durability and I really like the look tile brings to a kitchen.  Something I really dislike though, is nasty, stained tile grout.  We have tile counter tops in our kitchen.  One thing I would love to renovate, for sure.  They've been here for years and I'm assuming they didn't have Epoxy grout (which is supposedly stain proof) back when they were installed because they didn't use it. 
We drink coffee.  I cook a lot.  We have 4 kids.  Are you getting a picture of how easily it would be to have the bubonic plague lurking in your grout lines? (yes, I do disinfect as well as clean the counters several times a day, but over time the grout turns a nasty brown color.) 

I normally bleach them, but I have a knack of getting bleach on my pants or the bottom of my shirt...this makes me a tiny bit angry!  Today I tried something different.  I was reading on One Good Thing's blog about a miracle kitchen cleaner so I thought I would see if it could in fact perform a miracle on my grout.

The solution is so simple...a little baking soda and a little hydrogen peroxide mixed together to form a paste. 

Here is my before picture: (no judging)

I told you it was nasty!

And here is the paste I spread over it and left for 15 minutes:

And here is the final result after 15 minutes:

 Not bad, eh?

Well, I didn't stop there.  I did a bleach section at the same time.  Just a really strong mix of bleach and water and sprayed it on just before I started the other mixture. 

Here's the before using bleach:

 and the after:

It did a decent job as well, but not as good as the "miracle kitchen cleaner" and harsh chemicals and no bleach spots on my clothes is always nice bonus!

Stay tuned for the results of my Homemade Fabric Softener. 

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Sometimes Renovations aren't so pretty

Pretty much every day I get up, get ready for the day, get my kids ready for school, pack everyone up, drive them there, drop them off, come home and.....look around and wonder what on earth occurred here this morning.  I question..."was I even here this morning?  Look at this place...."  Toast and smoothie accoutrement's all over the counter, dishes in the sink - maybe even still on the table.  I mean come on, I haven't even had my first cup of coffee yet.  So, I trick myself into thinking I should sip my coffee for a few minutes, check my email and calendar for the day and then I'll clean it all up. 

I really do work with each of my kids to be tidy...but we (myself and hubby included) haven't mastered the art yet, but the renovation is underway!  (we've been working hard accomplishing our new chore chart)

So, as I relax after hairiness of the morning (thus far).....yup, it never fails, someone is at the door and I've been caught.  Dishes undone, crumbs and cheerios on the floor...and me with a coffee in hand.  Try explaining that! 

Well, today I found a saying I must post in my entryway. 

"I'm not lazy, I just have children."

It kind of says it all doesn't it?  Well, if that doesn't, surely this will: 

The Renovation continues!

Monday, March 5, 2012

Not all Renovations are physical...

After taking some time to read my bible this morning, I am reminded that not all renovations are physical.  I am under construction as we speak...spiritually.

 Discipline in most areas of my life right now are at a minimum, even when it comes to walking with the Lord.  I boast a good game, however, when reading in James this morning I outright tripped on these words:

"If anyone considers himself religious and yet does not keep a tight rein on his tongue, he deceives himself and his religion is worthless." James 1:26


Thankfully, I am not without hope that I am able to accomplish this difficult task, bridling my tongue, as King James put it, because  "I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength."  Philippians 4:13

Check out verse 27 too. 

"Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this:  to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world."

What do I do for orphans and widows?
How about not being polluted by the world?  Do I stink like garbage?  (that's a vivid thought now isn't it!)

So many great words in the bible to really make me think.  Compel me to change.  Warn me to not deceive myself.  Urge me to run to the One who can help me with all of these seemingly impossible tasks.

I love what Beth Moore says in one of her studies on these verses: "So, how on earth do we serve in it [the world]  without smelling like it?  With serious discipline and determination, that's how.  With courage and deep conviction.  With a large dose of the Holy Ghost.  You don't live this kind of life accidentally.  You make up your mind who you want to be and daily die to the rest.  You surrender yourself to living in the tension where you'll always be stretched and often be broken.  Religion pure and undefiled is grit without the grime.  You accept that far easier ways to live exist, but you were born for nothing less.  And when we sniff ourselves and smell the world, we run to the One who can wash us."

I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength!

Friday, March 2, 2012

Somedays I wonder...

Do  you ever wonder if a project will ever come to an end?  I mean, don't get me wrong, I feel completely blessed to have a carpenter for a husband who can build and fix our castle, however, one small thought turns into a full blown renovation of several rooms very quickly. 

Like this for instance. 

This is the "middle" project.  Renovation on a bedroom (putting a doorway in between 2 rooms) turned into a full room gutted which led to a staircase revamp to a laundry room renovation and eventually a front entry way renovation.  It happened about that quickly too! 

 I would show you some before pictures, however, I had a very unfortunate event hard drive fried on my new computer and I lost 7 months worth of everything.  Pictures included.  (sniff sniff) But, chalk it up to lessons learned, I won't go that long again before backing up my files.  Don't let this happen to you!  Go back up your files!!! :)  Blessings.