I don't claim to understand it all, nor do I claim to get it always right, but I do know this - I said yes to Jesus Christ when I was only 5 years old and He has changed my life in so many ways at so many different times and he still blows my socks off! When I can not see what is ahead of me, he does. When I can not fathom how I will cope with a loss, he does. When life seems to swallow me up with its details, I know my God knows better than me and I will not be shaken.
It's been been one crazy ride, I can say that! The way he's stretching me today is what I want to share with you.
So many great points I don't even know how to begin sharing them all. Francis writes "I believe He [God] wants us to love others so much that we go to extremes to help them. I believe He wants us to be known for giving - of our time, our money, and our abilities...alleviate the suffering in the world and change the reputation of His bride in America." I love what he says next. "We need to stop giving people excuses not to believe in God."
As someone who claims to love my Lord Jesus, I certainly can make a mess of someones view of a Christ follower! Poor choices, selfishness, lack of thought or concern, pride...they've all tripped me up over and over again. What I would love for you to know though, is that even though I stumble and make messes along the way, Jesus always forgives me, always helps me back up out of the mud. I am not perfect, but Jesus is. Therefore, may I point your eyes to the ONE who will never let you down, never fail you, never trip up on selfish sins or pride....Jesus.
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