Monday, March 26, 2012

I'm on an Adventure. You ready to come?

For 28 years I've been on an adventure.  I push up hills with everything I have in me, I slip down mountains quicker than I know that I've lost my footing.  Excitement, discouragement, incomprehensible joy, fear that grips my soul, all feelings I've felt while on this journey. 

I don't claim to understand it all, nor do I claim to get it always right, but I do know this - I said yes to Jesus Christ when I was only 5 years old and He has changed my life in so many ways at so many different times and he still blows my socks off!  When I can not see what is ahead of me, he does.  When I can not fathom how I will cope with a loss, he does.  When life seems to swallow me up with its details, I know my God knows better than me and I will not be shaken. 

It's been been one crazy ride, I can say that! The way he's stretching me today is what I want to share with you. 

Crazy Love: Overwhelmed by a Relentless God This is the book I've been haunting my family and friends with lately.  Ha ha.  The funny part is, I've read it before and don't remember a word of it!  All I can say is that I must not have been at a point in my life to grasp what this book is about.  Today, I'm asking God to give me wisdom to be able to fully comprehend all He wants me to learn from it and I feel like a great.big.sponge.  :) 

So many great points I don't even know how to begin sharing them all.  Francis writes "I believe He [God] wants us to love others so much that we go to extremes to help them.  I believe He wants us to be known for giving - of our time, our money, and our abilities...alleviate the suffering in the world and change the reputation of His bride in America." I love what he says next.  "We need to stop giving people excuses not to believe in God."

As someone who claims to love my Lord Jesus, I certainly can make a mess of someones view of a Christ follower!  Poor choices, selfishness, lack of thought or concern, pride...they've all tripped me up over and over again.  What I would love for you to know though, is that even though I stumble and make messes along the way, Jesus always forgives me, always helps me back up out of the mud.  I am not perfect, but Jesus is.  Therefore, may I point your eyes to the ONE who will never let you down, never fail you, never trip up on selfish sins or pride....Jesus. 

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